“With Age Comes (some) Discounts”
This article is very important and interesting to me as I personally think we all have to take care the elderly. We have to ensure they receive all the benefits and most discounts possible as they worked really hard in order to get us where we are today. Elderly people deserve to travel and not to pay high fees. This article talks about so many discounts programs that we should share with our parents so they can advantage and travel around the globe. In the United States, discounts such as Triple A and AAARP are available. If you have a parent that is 65 years old or older, they are entitled to receive a discount rate for hotels, car rentals, and other shops. Below is a brief summary of the discounts that captured my attention:
– The Korean National Tourism Organization offers anyone that is 65 years old or over, to ride the subway for free and receive also 30 percent off rail tickets.
– Belgium transportation system is friendly, especially for elderly, and they have discounted tickets as well.
– City passes around the world are also offered at a discounted price for the elderly.