Week 1: Searching and Obtaining an Internship

Looking for an internship that I wanted to focus on was tough. I was mainly looking for a photography internship or a videography internship. Where i can continue to develop my skills in editing and experience what it’s like in the real world. The course had already started and I still wasn’t able to be part of an internship.

I kept applying throughout several websites like Indeed and linkedIn. I noticed that in most internships, they required a portfolio, a recommendation letter, and some even wanted a degree already. At the time, I didn’t have a set portfolio for myself so I had to create one. It was easy to develop my own portfolio with the help of Adobe Portfolio. Once my portfolio was set, I was able to send it out to those upcoming internships that I was applying to. Fortunately, an internship that I came across with my supervisor’s internship.

It was an internship that had caught my attention because it was based in the city, it would allow me to gain experience in the field and I was going to be able to be part of the industry. A few days passed by and I had the opportunity to receive an email from Jill herself. I was elected to be part of a group interview which would be held through Zoom. During the interview, she explained her roll in the industry, the tasks we would face as an intern, and the few projects that we would have for her. Overall, I was eager to start and be part of her intern crew.