
Besides conducting business within Australia, Canberra Jewelers is now an international company conducting business overseas in the United States. International trade involves two or more countries and transcends national and political boundaries (Sternquist, 2007). Canberra Jewelers method of market entry will be exporting goods which is the lowest level of involvement and provides minimal financial risk. The exports will involve shipping the product to the United States of course in exchange for a profit. In this case the home country will be Australia where the materials will be sourced, the products will be manufactured, packaged and shipped from. The host country will be the United States where products will be exported to and businesses will be conducted. Exporting the goods from Australia will prove to produce the best profits for the company and because of the strong relationship between the United States and Australia exporting goods should be fairly easy. Because all of the materials used for the products are native to Australia there will be no reason to import materials from other nations into Australia, allowing the company to be independent and fully based in one country.