

Australia’s large British population and long history is reflected in their culture, and although there are some similarities between the two countries Australians have made the culture their own (Cultural Atlas). The main qualities of Australian culture are mateship, egalitarianism, authenticity, optimism, humility, informality, easy-going, common sense, and humor (Evason, 2016). Their easy-going attitude can be seen in Australian consumer’s shopping behaviors which are much more laid-back than American consumers who take shopping as more of a serious decision making process (Marks & Tidwell, 2022). This easy-going attitude is also reflected in their relationships and everyday lifestyle where they like to put aside stress, and is the reason why so many Australians are known to often say “no worries, mate” (Tourism Australia, 2022). Although Australians are laid back it doesn’t mean that time isn’t important to them, they are still a monochronic society time wise, being on time and not wasting time is important in their culture (Sternquist, 2007). Another important aspect of their relationships are their friendship patterns which show loyalty, friendships are considered to be just as important as family and should last a life-time (Evason, 2016).

Language and speaking mannerisms are an important part of any culture and Australia has their own unique mix of languages and conversational habits. There are over 300 languages spoken in Australia with the most common second languages being Mandarin, Arabic, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Italian (AFS, 2022). This is mainly due to the fact that Australia is multicultural, which means that within the country there are several different types of cultures, not just one predominant culture (Sternquist, 2007). Unfortunately the language of the Aboriginals who are the native people of Australia has been steadily declining, and today the Aboriginal people only make up about 2 percent of the population (Saylor Academy, 2012). When it comes to greetings Australians are laid-back and they will address people with a smile or a handshake, and common informal greetings would be a simple “hi” or “how are you” (Columbus Travel Media, 2022).