Pleased : Sheepshead Bay
Know your community: twentyone questions
Questions about your community | Source consulted |
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-Pearl Burg | |
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|| In Sheepshead Bay, 73.00% of people are Caucasian. This is a relatively high percentage of Caucasians for New York City and Kings County. Approximately 18.00% of Sheepshead Bay’s residents are Asian, making it the second most common ethnicity. || Most families (67.9%) in Sheepshead Bay are classified as small, meaning they have two or three members. There’s a higher percent of small families than there are in New York City. Only people within the household who are related to the head of the household by marriage, birth, or adoption are considered family members. Additionally, a household may only contain one family for tabulation purposes. || Approximately 36.30% of the Sheepshead Bay population has only earned a high school degree. One way to compare education levels is by considering Bachelor’s Degree attainment. Sheepshead Bay has a higher percentage of people with a Bachelor’s Degree than New York City and Kings County, which suggests that this is a well educated neighborhood. Education statistics for Sheepshead Bay only consider the 25 and older population.
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61 Precinct (159,528 residents) 0.7209 0.8462
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Bianca J Willingham Resume
3090 Voorhies Avenue ● Brooklyn, New York 11235 ● (347)-421-6869 ●
Bianca J. Willingham
To obtain a job that I can showcase all of my talents in.
I am currently employed at Century 21 Department Stores.
I am experienced in working with computers, working with children, and customer service.
I have worked in day care centers, clothing stores, and offices.
Have been an honor roll student since Junior High School.
I am a very hard worker, any task I am assigned I will do it to the best of my ability. I enjoy criticism because it only helps me do my job more diligently and effectively.
Professional Experience
09/01/2010— 03/01/2011
Kings Bay Youth Center
Brooklyn, New York
Help children with homework, provide care for the children in any activity they do, and dismiss children to parents.
06/2011— 03/2012
Big M Inc
Brooklyn, New York
Sales Associate
Provide Customer service, clean store (i.e. clothing racks, fitting room, floors)
12/2011— 02/2012
Victoria’s Secret
New York, New York
Sales Associate
Provide Customer service, clean store (i.e. clothing racks, fitting room, floors)
01/2012— 05/2012
Federal Work Study
Brooklyn, New York
Athletic Coordinator
Collect forms of identification, look after equipment, organize games for several sports, etc.
07/2012— current
Century 21 Department Stores
New York, New York
Sales Associate and Guest Service Experience Associate
Merchandise and put out goods delivered daily. Operate in the guest service department for return as well as exchanges. Work cashier using credit/debit transactions as well as cash. Supervise sales floor in absence of a manager. Solicit point cards from guests on a daily basis. File team member schedules as well as availability using programs such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Create daily Operating Floor Count where team members sign their clocking times.
09/2007— 06/2011
St. Edmund Prep High School
Brooklyn, New York
High School Diploma
Honors, 06/2011
07/2011 New York City College of Technology Brooklyn, NY
Nursing Major
Human Services Major (Associate Level Degree) – Graduation 2015
09/2010— 03/2011
St. Edmund Prep High School
Brooklyn, New York
CPR Certified
References available upon request.
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