Zoning Analysis Assignment

Site Plan-Layout1 Zoning Info


map-Arch D tex.1-Arch D

Add Vocabulary and Sketch Assignments

Sketch assignments are late.  Also each student must add 2 vocabulary definitions for each class meeting.  At present with two classed complete each team member should have 4 entries.

We still need to add me as admin and please add a category called “Prof. King”


076d5eddb4bf0499ca52be8a5ce384a6-bpfullGuanlin decided to pursue a career in architecture due to his passion for aesthetically pleasing structures and curiosity for how structures are put together. His passion for the items just described pushed him into the practice of making models and the learning of software such Revit. These type of skills, he believes, will help him communicate and carryout ideas in the near future. -Written by: Elvio Gimenez.


563582_570169173008207_604250677_ni had interview Kevin Duarte. like to draw while he is young. he had study architecture in high school. he consider one of his best skill to be drafting not only by hand and also good in auto-cad. in this semester he plan to broaden his knowledge in architecture.

by Guanlin Du

Interview Elvio Gimenez By KD

ElvioWhen still in junior High school, Elvio was introduced into architecture.  For 2 years he started to become familiar with the field. When he continued into high school, still interested in the field he continued to Sharpen and hone his skills in the field by sketching and drafting & also using applications and programs such as autocad & revit. With time, he started to work in an internship with eventually led to him gaining experience in the field with construction.


未标题-2 未标题-1site sketches by Guanlin Du

Site Evaluation Sketches

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