Clinical Narratives

TulipsStein Senior Center

My clinical experience at the Stein Senior Center located at 204 East 23rd Street, New York, NY 10010 during the Fall 2014 semester was very informative, enlightening and gave us the opportunity to serve the community. It was a 15-week tenure that has certainly surpassed my expectations and there were a number of invaluable lessons learnt. The management and staff were very receptive of me as a student and gave me the opportunity to be participative. There were a number of clinical objectives that were met and these are included in my personal narrative.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance.

At the Stein Center, during our clinical professionalism was demonstrated through our personal behaviors and appearance. I was very punctual and attended all our clinical except one and dressed professionally with business casual outfits. I took responsibility for my own learning with the guidance from Professor Egues. I was given the opportunity to participate in our clinical conferences, which was held, prior to the start of each session. At this session our activities were planned. Some of the seniors interacted with us on their health issues and this information was kept confidential and was only used in counseling the seniors.   This is in keeping with HPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Privacy Laws that provides federal protection and sets standards for the security of patient’s information. Professionalism was also demonstrated when we as the nurses used our knowledge to educate and encourage the seniors on specific health issues. Leadership traits were also demonstrated by the nurses that reflect their individual professionalism.


Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting.

Most of the activities that were done were client teaching on specific topics such as hypertension, Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, fall prevention, safe administration of medication and diabetes. There were no invasive procedures, medication administration, thorough assessment, interviewing of the seniors, collection of data, planning or implementing of nursing interventions. Blood pressure readings were taken and some seniors were counseled on a few medications. Specific questions were also answered, thus analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills were not significantly utilized, but were for presentation and teaching.


Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting.

Communication was certainly very important with our interactions with the seniors at the stein center. For these seniors, a number of steps were taken to ensure effective communication and these included:

  • First we ensure that we got the client’s attention.
  • We faced the client while speaking, both when standing and sitting.
  • We spoke audibly, slowly and in layman’s term in a clear voice so that everyone can understand us.
  • Written information was used to enhance the spoken word.

There were also communications with peers, instructors, and other workers of the management team at the Stein Center. This was also done in a clear and articulate manner.


Objective 4: Establish environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice.

An environment conducive to learning was encouraged at the Stein Senior Center. My group taught the seniors about diabetes. A poster with large size lettering that was written with appropriate grade language was utilized. Brightly colored pictures were used and practical demonstrations and examples were used. Brochures, flyers and other written information was given out to re-enforce what was said. All distracting noises were prevented and the presentation was done in an audible manner. Seniors were encouraged to ask questions and to clarify any misunderstanding


Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individual and families in the community.

This objective was not applicable during our clinical at the Stein Senior center as expected. There was no use of information technology in managing these seniors at the stein center. Nor was clients record utilized. Information shared by the seniors was kept confidential and only used to advise them accordingly. To gain a better understanding of the community, the internet was utilized to research the community and provide us with information for the service learning project. So technology was used to research best practices, evidence-based information and current websites for teaching resources.


Objective 6. Demonstrate a commitment to professional development

Our commitment to professional development was demonstrated when a number of websites and articles were researched for current and appropriate information for our group presentation. The American Diabetic Association website was extremely useful. Learning never stops, so I looked up the latest information.

Objective 7. Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice Professional nursing standards and accountability was incorporated into our practice at the Stein Senior Center. First we were made aware of Stein Senior Center’s mission and standards of practice. All of us complied with this standard of practice and were assimilated very easily into their routines and norms. The seniors were treated with respect and any private information shared with us was kept confidential. We conducted ourselves in a professional manner. Assigned tasks were also completed on a timely manner to the best of our capabilities.


Objective 8. Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the healthcare team.

As students and nurses we collaborated with the management of the Stein Senior Center in planning our activities and presentations. Based on the typical health needs of the age of this population, our presentation was guided accordingly to meet their needs. The choices of topics were based on the most prevalent health needs in this population. The seniors were also encouraged to ask questions and to clarify any information with us.


Objective 9. Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services.

The community is heavily commercialized, with diverse businesses, stores, healthcare facilities etc. and among the community are these seniors living. While there may be probably a high demand for more spaces to be commercialized, the existence and need to keep the seniors living in their homes must not be ignored. There continues to be a need to deliver appropriate healthcare to this aging population among the high level of urbanization as well as ensuring a sense of security in maintaining their homes and well-being.



My clinical experience at the Stein’s Senior Center was extremely meaningful and enlightening. I personally learnt that an older adult can age gracefully with the absence of illnesses and disease and be physically fit even at that age. Most of the seniors were well groomed and dressed beautifully and still seems to be productive. They took the opportunity to socialize with their friends and appeared very friendly and happy. Overall I am extremely thankful for the opportunity and was able to view community nursing from a different perspective.

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