Fort Greene’s innovative artwork – Jevaughn

Image displaying typography, letting viewers know Jimmy Kimmel is coming back to Brooklyn.

This image above is a form of typography, it is showing viewers that Jimmy Kimmel will be back in Brooklyn, New York to perform his show from October 15 to October 19, 2018. As you can see in the picture the “M’s” are being replaced by the bridges so show his viewers that the performance will be happening in Brooklyn, New York and to convince the viewer to come to the Jimmy Kimmel show to watch something interesting, creative and innovative, so basically the people who created this artwork, can potentially be influenced to come to the show and support Jimmy Kimmel. The colors also made it appealing because they used dark mysterious colors to show the viewers that the show will be happening at night.

        What this type of typography shows about my neighborhood is that my neighborhood is somewhat innovative and creative, as well as one of the most popular neighborhoods in the borough of Brooklyn. The reason as to why I labeled my neighborhood which is Fort Greene as one of the most popular neighborhoods in Brooklyn is because of the fact that this Jimmy Kimmel sign was only in my neighborhood and I did not see this exact sign in any other neighborhood. Another reason that probably contributes to the fact that my neighborhood is popular is because the Barclay Center is close to Fort Greene and the Barclay Center seems to be the heart of Brooklyn, so that is probably one of the reasons as to why my neighborhood receives such special signs with creative forms of typography in them. The reason as to why I labeled my neighborhood as innovative and creative is because of the fact that it takes a good thinker and creator to replace the “M’s” of the Jimmy Kimmel signs as the Brooklyn bridge.

         The typography that I’ve personally witnessed in my neighborhood was somewhat diverse, unique and outside the box. I’ve seen the subway sign which had arrows pointing in opposite directions in the “S” and the “Y”. I’ve seen graffiti in multiple places in my neighborhood used in different ways and different colors, some of the graffiti were written in script while other graffiti was written in big bubble letters, the meanings behind the graffiti words could be negative or positive. In conclusion I feel as if there is no other neighborhood in Brooklyn like Fort Greene because the typography here is well thought out and unique, it captures the viewers attention.

Hi, My Name is Jevaughn

My name is Jevaughn, I was born and raised in the borough of Brooklyn, New York, I would consider myself a down to earth person. I would also consider myself a sports fanatic, sports are a real hobby of mine, ever since I was a little kid I grew a big interest in sports. I love to watch movies particularly thrillers, dramas and horror films. As far as foods that I like to eat, I would say that I enjoy chinese food the best.

Illustrator: John