ENG1101 Openlab Assignment 2

During my time at City Tech my writing has changed from the way how I used to write in high school compared to now. I used to have problems with grammar, using vague words like you or it but after learning about the mistakes I made in writing I try my best to make sure the papers I write is clear and understandable to the reader. I am not going to lie one problem I still have is the use of transitional words such as to clarify, I argue in addition those words are used to strengthen your sentence structure so the reader can have a better understanding of the topic. I will try my best to overcome this challenge so i can be a better writer than today. One thing I do enjoy about writing is being able to express what you think and put it on a piece of paper because the greatest aspects of writing is if you can connect to one`s ideas and reflect to your own even in an argument there is a connection that is created between writers and readers. what I want to do is be able to reach out to people without using words but using my thoughts on a piece of paper to inspire or inform one. writing made me learn that it takes more than just writing what one sees it a connection on what one thinks based on what one feels. turning in a paper because one did it is different from being proud of what one turns in as a paper. writing inspired me to don’t write what I see or hear, but write about what makes a connection not only to one but other people around the world because that is what writing is about making it clear to the other reader understanding.

Assignment 2

Before comming to college i wasn’t comfortable writing essays and papers but i didn’t mind doing them. One aspect of my writing that has improved since the begining of the semester is the tone through out my essays. One aspect of academic writing that still challenging me is writing more words because i will run out of ideas and informations. One aspect of academic writing that i enjoy is learning more from the sources.