Resource 9: “One Student’s Story: A Climb Out of Depression, Doubt, and Academic Failure”-The New York Times

This student’s story describes factors that led to her downward spiral during her first years of college and her successful path of coming out of the experience successful as a student and as a better prepared adult.

“One Student’s Story: A Climb Out of Depression, Doubt, and Academic Failure”-The New York Times

Resource 8: “Why College Freshmen Need to Take Emotions 101”-Washington Post

This article, published in 2014 in the Washington Post, raised attention nationwide about an increasing problem of depression among freshmen on college campuses across the country. Though the audience of this article is targeted to parents, many of the issues are relevant to your reading as a student.

Open Lab Assignment #1: Introduce Yourself! -DUE Sept. 6

In class we’ve talked about how one of the challenges of acclimating to college is making friends. One reason this is challenging is that making friends requires you to reveal just a little about yourself.

For our class, your first post on our class OpenLab site will be your introduction to our class.

COMBO OpenLab Post 1: Due Sept. 6 (midnight)

For this assignment, write a short paragraph that responds the following questions. Remember these will be posted for our class and the OpenLab community to see!

  1. What is your current career interest and/or major? And/or: how did you find out about City Tech and/or what made you decide to start your college career here?
  2. What is the biggest adjustment you’ve had to make since entering City Tech? If you are a second semester student, this could be an adjustment you had to make last semester.
  3. What keeps you centered in the midst of the many changes you are going through as a student? (Do you think about the degree you are getting? How getting an education might help you or your family? About getting closer to a dream you’ve always had? Or is there some kind of (healthy!) hobby that keeps you on track, such as athletics, art, music, a social or community group?
  4. What is one thing you have already learned about yourself in the midst of these changes? (Be generous with yourself!)

More Directions:

  • Post this on our Open Lab site with a photo that best represents you and/or your something you referenced in your post.
  • Remember: you are being graded on this! You will be assessed on: finishing the assignment on time, answering all of the four questions; posting an image with your post.
  • If you can’t figure out how to post on the site, send the paragraph to me along with a jpeg photo attachment. I will post the information on OpenLab. (Please don’t photos in another format.)
  • Regarding privacy, you can use your Open Lab handle if you are not comfortable using your full name on the website. Also, your picture can be of an object (for example, your response to question 2) if you do not want to post a picture of yourself.
  • Have fun with this assignment! We might read a few posts out loud in class if time permits.