Teaching Methodologies

In my teaching, I recognize that there are different types of learners. I believe, that in computer related fields the most efficient learning style is through hands-on activities. My goal in the class is to make the students be active participants in the learning process rather than passive listeners. In my lectures, I strive to find the most relevant concepts and expose them to the students in different ways: definitions; visual material such as pictures, diagrams, or videos when possible; in-class exercises; real life examples of how the concepts are applied; and questions that could start a discussion. Sometimes it is dicult to start the interaction, the most important thing I have learned is that you have to inject some confidence in the students, treating them with respect and telling them that we all are there to learn. I constantly tell them that there are no dumb  questions and that participating or helping to solve an exercise is going to help them more than being quiet and still, and that
their participation could be something that will help them when interviewing for a job. When a student is stuck with an exercise on the board, I usually ask to the rest of the class to give him tips or help him, this brings a cooperative environment.

Typically, I try to create my assignments in such a way that the students are forced to think beyond what is mentioned in the textbook, applying the concepts discussed in class; I like to make my courses challenging for the students. Also, I like to share my experience as a software developer, showing them how mastering
some concepts or acquiring certain skills can represent a competitive advantage. In introductory programming
courses, I initially ask the students for individual projects, and later in the semester I encourage them to work in pairs. It has been my observation, that this helps the students who are weaker in programming abilities to retain their interest and improve their skills. I believe that assigning group projects where the students have to demonstrate their work and present it to their peers is important. Instilling the spirit of teamwork among the students prepares them for working in the industry, where they will be expected to contribute as a team player.

Besides my teaching experience, my past experience in the field of e-learning and intelligent tutors as a software developer of educational technologies gave me part of the preparation for the teaching profession. During that time I took some educational workshops and I learned the education science perspective about developing programs of studies, course content, effective questions and exams, learning theory and models, and techniques to present the topics.

Finally, I have learned how important it is to exchange experiences with other teachers. Adopting proven success strategies from other teachers have helped me improve the quality of my classes, avoid pitfalls, and save time. In the same way, I feel honored when other teachers start using my strategies or the software tools I developed for my classes. It is good to be in an environment where like-minded professors believe that the use of new technology and software tools has a positive effect in the learning process.

Teaching Portfolio | Scholarly