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Harmony at Sea

Royal Caribbean’s newest mega ship, Harmony of the Seas is set to begin its inaugural cruise next month in Europe. The ship will carry 5,479 passengers and 2,300 crew members. This ship represents the next step in total entertainment in cruising, offering adventure-seeker thrills, such as rock climbing, zip-lining, wave-surfing, waterslides; and a Central Park carousel for kids just to name a few. As for the accommodations, the ship’s 1,599 SF, Royal Loft suite is two stories high.

With all the ship has to offer its passengers, will they ever want to go ashore?



Time Management



To be successful in this course you must be able to allocate enough time to do research and write your finding. Some of the problems I’m encountering are re-writes and changes in my thesis. I am finding that my work is suffering when I am under pressure time constraint. So organization and time management are key components to a successful outcome.

I recommend that you try to narrow down your thesis early as this saves valuable time. Your outline is crucial because it’s the structure of your paper. Plan to spend at between 5-6 hours per week on editing, trust me you’ll be reworking your paper. Don’t get discouraged if you get the infamous “writer’s block”, most writers do, just step away for your desk and take a break. Return when you feel a bit more inspired or have figured out a solution to a part of your paper.

Finally, good luck


Seed Banks

Located in Norway, close to the Arctic, the Svalbard seed bank, stores food seeds from around the world, it is also known as the Doomsday Vault. The food bank is built into the side of a mountain and can withstand weather ans most disasters from bombings to earthquakes. The vault’s aim is to preserve food biodiversity, and of course, food itself. With changing climate patterns, over-farming, and poor soil, it is imperative that we preserve and safeguard our food.





I recently cut out added sugars from my diet, and I can say I felt an immediate difference. I lost weight, my concentration became clearer. Honestly, the transformation in how I feel physically and mentally is astonishing. Sugar made me crave more sugar and at night I would search my pantry seeking out snacks that would satisfy my yearnings. After gobbling up grams of sweet, sweet sugar, its rush had me  buzzing around feeling enegerized. But later when the rush subsided I felt drained, and couldn’t stay focused for long.

Research shows that too much sugar leads to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and probably hyperactivity in children. Added sugars are not sugars from whole foods, but those used in processed or prepared foods, sodas, grain-based desserts, fruit drinks, desserts, and candy.

So the next time you crave that sugary snack, think of what it’s doing to your body.





My name is Beverley, and I am excited, as this is my last semester in the CUNY- Baccalaureate program. My concentrations are Hospitality Management & Minority Entrepreneurship. I  spent many years in the hospitality industry, as manager and business owner. My mission is to empower minorities, specially women to start their own business.