Reading the last chapters you can say that some events were predictable. To be honest i was very confused at the ending. I started to wonder what is left after all of this. I was not happy by the conclusion but i guess its the message also known as the big picture is what matters. Even the big picture can get a bit distracting also. When all is summarized about the androids you start to realize that androids had the same mission of slaves in the early 1800s which was to escape and get a better life. In a way when rick talks about roy baty in the beginning of chapter 16, i began to think about the ways of nat turner.
I later becomes distracted on who rick really is. In chapter 17 I start to wonder why would he fall for a trap like that if he knew what type of person Rachel was. In a way i respect Rachel in her ways to try to save her others but you can really see that rick had deep emotions for her because he became upset finding out he wasn’t the only bounty hunter. When bring up buster friendly again in chapter 18 it brings up my point that i stated in previous chapters talking about how he is a form of propaganda.
I feel that chapter 19 becomes a big climax in the story it starts to build up at the end of the 2nd paragraph – the 5th. At this point the androids know its their turn to go. With good suspicion placed in becoming anxious and with the andys getting retired and one retaliating killing ricks goat i was feeling that the ending would be where rick’s life gets put on the line.