Professor Joshua Belknap | ENG 1101 ML D105 | Fall 2022

Writing for Different (Multiple) Modes: 11/30/22

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1 Comment

  1. Yuxin

    My project is going to be about pain specialists. I choose pain specialists as my project because I want the school that pain specialists go to have a better teaching method for people that want to be pain specialists so they can help their patients better in the future when they graduate from school. Also I would like to be pain specialist in the future because I would like to help others who experience back and side pain like me to feel better. The medicine and exercise pain specialist give their patient to do doesn’t really work so well. In the article Pain Specialists Evolution of Patient’s Prognosis During the First Visit Predicts Subsequent Depression and the Affective Dimension of Pain states ” Foster and colleagues found that patient’s pessimism regarding their lower back pain prognosis at baseline was associated with poorer outcome 6 months later; thus it is perceivable that the prognosis given by a physician may have the same negative efforts especially if the patient is directly or indirectly aware of this prognosis.” The personal investment I have in this issue is by taking pain medicine and exercises my pain specialists give me to do. At first the medicine my pain specialists gave worked really well but when I started to take the medicine the 2 time it didn’t work because I could still feel the pain on my back and side. Also some exercise my pain specialists gave me helped me to relieve pain, other exercise my pain specialists gave doesn’t relieve pain instead it made it worse. My argument matters because if there are no good pain specialists people who have pain problems will not get proper treatment. The counter-interpretations that might work against my emerging claims is that people would think even without good pain specialists people still can have ways to relieve their pain. The thing that I am struggling with the most is which logos and pathos I am going to use because I can use Pathos in my writing but I am not sure about logos.

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