Photo 2

In the second photo which was taken during 1899 in Brooklyn either in Prospect Park or Marine Park by the water. There are three people who are the focus of the photograph with foreground being the ground covered in fallen leaves and the background having trees on the far bank and the lake itself. It is also the end of one way of way and the start of another due to the year. The USA enters many conflicts, yet the effects are not fully felt on the mainland, most most this are remote events happening far away from themselves. The photo physically shows age around its corners with a fade of color, which is Sepia. Clothing is traditional and that of a society with many rules and orders on how to dress and act. Also it seem that they are not of a low ranking family or families due to the not so simple hats and ties. Then there is the fact that someone took a photo of them when it was still a luxury to have a camera and a means to devolve film. It is still daylight out due to the light reflecting of the water and the shadows created by the hats, the people and the tree. It is a picnic, however they are alone other then the cameraman.

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