Advice to incoming student

Hello, to the next student sitting in this seat. You are not in high school anymore, stay focused on what is important and try your hardest not to slip up in the beginning because that is only going to make it that much harder for you to pass. This class is not only a mandatory class but also a way to better get to know your city. It’s a very fun class that teaches you how to efficiently soak up information from data bases and how to properly cite them in your work. You even get to take a good amount of trips out of class to the library, to tour Brooklyn, and a place called the Brooklyn Historical Society or BHS. A few suggestions from me would be that make sure you do your work on time and do not let anything get in the way of you doing your work. You also want to write down the work you have to do on your phone that way you will not forget and specific details of each assignment. With these similar classes your work guidelines for each assignment can get confusing. Also remember to keep track of when you are supposed to write a summary of the class because it will pass right by and you won’t know what to write or might not do it at all. From the day you get the glossary assignment make sure to complete that as soon as possible and get that out of the way so you can have a clearer mind on the more heavily weighted assignments. Overall if you stay on top of your work and ask questions you should not have a hard time passing the class. The teachers are not going to ask for anything impossible from you so don’t worry.

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