Observations & Interpretations


Photo 1

  • This photo is of a group of women in what looks like a store for sewing materials.
  • I believe this is an old photo because of the way they are all dressed.
  • The setting is indoor and looks to be clean and bright.
  • the colors are very saturated to the point where you can barely see their individual faces.
  • This photo seems to have been planned. All the women are looking at the photographer and he is standing in a spot as to show as much of the landscape as possible.
  • They have piles of something I cant define on the counters that they are surrounding. This makes me think it may be the reason for the picture.
  • The limitations of the frame are that the colors are so bright that it’s hard to see details. Also, i see something with stools to the left that may be some sort of work station.
  • The background suggests that it is a hardware store for upholstery and embroidering. This is supported by the foreground because although you can’t see detail. You can make the conclusion the there are lots of similar materials and the women also seem to be in uniform.
  • The lighting is bright and you can see everything clearly.
  • I think the purpose of this photo may have been to attract customers into a nice environment with happy women and lots of choices.

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