Reading Lucy Materials

Jennifer Eagan found out about Lucy by first hand researching her at the Brooklyn Historical Society. Those materials found and the materials that relate to Lucille on the internet and the letters themselves are highly significant to history. These letters are a primary source which means that whatever we find out through these letters are accurate descriptions of the woman Lucy was and perceived herself to be. These are her words and her letters that were written to her husband while she worked at a shipping dock during World War II. This is very important because it proves what key role woman played during the war by doing the jobs that men weren’t there to fulfill. It went against the belief that everybody had on women and how they weren’t equal to men. Lucille excelled at her job and was proving society wrong.The letters help us relate because they are personal letters she wrote to someone she cared very deeply about. We’ve all been in the position in which we have written letters to either our parents or close friends in which we described our experiences with extreme detail so that they can understand what we’re going through.It helps us understand what she was going through, these materials are first hand sources that help us analyze pieces of history which are very important.

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