Happiest Place by City Tech is..

The City College of Technology has some interesting areas around it. There is Dumbo to the north, Fort Greene to the east, Brooklyn Heights to the west and more notable areas to the south. But which area is the happiest? I’ve been around Brooklyn a few times and from what I experienced, the happiest area around NYCCT is the Brooklyn Heights Promonade. I remember, about a week ago, my class went on a trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society and we took a tour through the BHP. It was a long pathway with the view of Downtown Manhattan and the water front! It was a spectacular landscape and it just made me fill so blissful. I think that for someone who spends most of their time on the streets or the in the city or somewhere enclosed, can get a great sense of nature by just standing next to the BHP. The sound of the ocean breeze blows away the concerns that the city gives you. Also, I don’t remember anyone frowning as they looked across the water front and stared at view of Downtown Manhattan. But, I do feel the weather could have factored in as well. It was a bright sunny day and it wasn’t that cold. The landscape would have a drastically different mood if it was gray and raining. But then again, grey clouds and rain never make anyone happy. I would not be surprised if I find myself here again. It is a perfect spot for a date that is if the weather allows it to be.

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