Project #5: Research essay full summary

The research essay that I wrote is about the Brooklyn Academy of Music fire that took place on November 30, 1903. In the essay, I gave two accounts of the fire from two different newspaper companies. One of the accounts was from the Pittsburgh Press, and the other was from the New York Times. A quote from the New York Times article states that the fire “was one of the swiftest destructions that Brooklyn has ever known, the great auditorium being a seething sea of flame within twenty minutes…” At the end of the essay, I compared both of the accounts of the fire to each other. The Pittsburgh Press article gave less detail and a more general account of the fire. The New York Times article, however, did the opposite and gave more detail to the event. For example, the Pittsburgh Press article stated that the firemen were only successful in preventing the fire from spreading, but they weren’t successful in putting it out themselves. The New York Times article stated that the firemen “quickly dropped the fire hose and ran away.” Judging from both articles, it is clear that one newspaper did one research than the other.

Works Cited:

“The Brooklyn Academy of Music in Ruins.” BROOKLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC IN RUINS – Historic Amusement Structure Totally Destroyed by Fire. SWIFT WORK OF THE FLAMES Caterers Preparing for McCarren Banquet Barely Escaped with Their Lives — Adjoining Building Destroyed — One Death Rumored. – View Article – New York Times, 01 Dec. 1903. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.

“A Big Fire In Brooklyn.” Pittsburgh Press 30 Nov. 1903: 1. Print.

“Theatre Talks.” Theatre Talks. N.p., 13 Dec. 2011. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.

“Brooklyn Academy of Music.” Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.


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