Project #5: Letter

Dear next year student,

Before you begin taking Prof. Rosen’s English composition class, I just want to give you a little advice. Most of the assignments in her class are centered around locations in Brooklyn, so it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood surrounding CityTech. If you don’t live in Brooklyn, then I suggest exploring the area the give yourself a head start. If you already do live in Brooklyn and you are familiar with the area, then there’s a good chance that you won’t have much difficulty choosing a location. I don’t live in the Bronx, so finding and choosing locations for some of the projects wasn’t easy for me. Also, try not to wait until last minute to do your assignments. It can be very stressful waiting to do assignments a day or a few hours before the do date. It’s best to do all the assignments as soon as possible. You’ll complete them with better efficiency that way. And be sure to pay attention in class for potential glossary words. Those are important. Also, everyone in class will have to write a summary of one day in English class. When it’s your turn, make sure you pay extra attention in class so that you can keep a record of what goes on during that day. Well, that’s all the advice I have to give for Prof. Rosen’s class. Good luck.


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