My story of Metrotech Center

Ryan Yip

Professor Rosen

English 1101

November 2013

Metrotech center has been a staple in my everyday life. For three months now, I have been walking through here to get to my classes at New York City College of Technology (NYCCT). Overtime I have seen many things during my trips to and from Metrotech Center. Originally, this was a place built as a non-profit improvement district and has grown to me a commercial and academic hub. I have seen a number of events and interesting sights that have peaked my interest during my time there. I traveled with one of my friends to the area when we first set off to register for our first classes at NYCCT. I asked him tell me about his experience with Metrotech Center. Unfortunately, he only passes through Metrotech Center on occasion, meaning he does not see Metrotech Center on a daily basis. Nevertheless, his input on the topic was still good and well.

Metrotech Center has been a real help to me over the three months that I have attended classes at NYCCT. Originally Metrotech Center was just a road on my way to NYCCT, but now it has helped me by other means. Now I buy lunch here and I can find a number of train stations nearby. Passing by Metrotech Center has become a staple on my route to and from NYCCT. I would usually go to the Subways restaurant nearby to eat as my lunch. My friend is unlike me in the way that he does not go there to buy food or anything of the sort. When I talked to him about the food I get in the area, he was surprised at the obscene time and money I spent at the aforementioned Subways restaurant. We had a short walk to and from both our classes and the Dekalb Avenue train station. Coming and going through Metrotech Center has been very helpful to my friend and me during our first semester in college. Its location is one feature we both find beneficial.

The location is one of the best benefits about being in Metrotech Center. My commute to my classes in NYCCT requires that I use the Dekalb Avenue train station. The Metrotech Center commons has been the easiest and fastest way to get from the train station to NYCCT. The walkway is void of traffic so anyone can move from one end to the opposite with little to no obstacles. On your way to the opposite sides, you can see new and interesting things in the Metrotech Commons. Unfortunately, I am fairly impatient when it comes to waiting. My impatience also includes waiting for a traffic signal or a car to drive by so I can safely cross the street. The Metrotech Center commons is a straight and wide walkway for people to gget around on foot. I introduced my friend to Metrotech Center since we both used the Dekalb Avenue train station. He would use a different route than me, so the first time we went to NYCCT together was when I walked him through. He found at as helpful as I did. It was a place where someone can easily move on foot. While this is a great route to take, one of the most appealing things about Metrotech Center is the atmosphere it holds.

When someone passes by Metrotech Center they can see many wonderful things. There are a great number of trees, sculptures, and other decorations strewn about. During my two months of college I have seen many events and gatherings such as concerts, charity organizations and many other activities. During my third month, I noticed a pile of large rocks being moved in the Metrotech commons. There were some fairly large rocks that have been dyed several different colors being placed in some sort of formation. The next week, the aforementioned rocks were stacked on top of each other. They have a similar appearance as that of a face of a cliff or mountain. I asked my friend to describe his reaction to it and he stated he has not seen it yet. He said he would go see it the next day we met and we parted ways. When next we met, he thought it was for kids to play on by climbing the rocks. At that moment I pointed out that there was a no climbing sign on the ground. We agreed that we could not understand the artist’s intentions with these. The following weeks, I saw a rather large Christmas tree being placed in the center of the Metrotech commons. As the days go by, I begin to see workers putting lights and red bows on the tree. The street lights were wrapped with fake pine tree branches to compliment the occasion. Christmas decorations were being implemented well before Thanksgiving Day. In an environment with plenty of tall buildings and intense traffic, it was nice to see a more natural sight that is a giant Christmas tree. Everything about Metrotech center makes it feel like I can see the next day of the tireless grind of everyday life.

There are many different stories that different people tell about Metrotech Center. My friend told me about his experience, but it was nothing of real significance. He doesn’t take interest in the events or any other noticeable changes and he would usually take a different route to NYCCT. I however, pass through Metrotech Center and look around and see what is new and interesting. But there are some things that we share in common. We can find a number of conveniences in the area such as our next lunch. The location of Metrotech Center has made our commute to our classes easier. Even if we do not understand the sights and sounds of Metrotech Center we still see them as fascinating projects and events. Metrotech Center has been a great benefit to me and my friend. We both can go there for whatever reason we may have and see a number of interesting events while heading to and from NYCCT. They have become a prominent part of our New York.

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