Class Summary 11/25

Today, we had a double session of English. In this double session we took the opportunity to work on our Project 4. During the first half of class, we discussed the assignments of Project 4,5 and the Persuasive Speech more thoroughly and self-evaluated ourselves before our peers got the chance to do so. During this time, Professor Rosen also walked around and gave individual help to those who asked and gave important feedback. We then moved on to the second part of class. In this part of class we had the chance to do peer review. A chance to evaluate and give helpful feedback to our classmates and also take a look at different Project 4 essays. This gave us a view of how our essays compared to others and how ours could change or what we were doing right. We used the guiding feedback worksheet to help us provide feedback to our classmates. This was a very effective time as people received help and also worked on their essay if they were still not finished. Then we began discussing as a class on what we saw during our revisions, what was done right, what needed work. We used examples and learned how to better our essays to strengthen and better our Project 4.

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