Happy and saddest place in NYC

New York City is a really big city with marvelous places! everyone have a happy place and a sad one. For me my happiest place in NYC is on the pier under the Brooklyn Brigde on the Manhattan side. This is my happy place because that’s where me and my girlfriend go to just relax and talk. We could be there for several hours and we wouldn’t notice, just talking, watching the boats pass the Hudson river, and sometimes walk around the mall. 

I can’t recall any sad place for me to write about.But there is a place where I had a bad experience in a playground where I cracked my head open because I  ran down a wet slide and I slipped and fell.This occurred when I was just twelve years old so I got pretty scared, the playground  in the park which is like a block away from my house. So every time I pass through the park to go home  and I see that playground it gives me they flash back of what happened there. Many people have there own places they remember from either happy. Sad, scary etc it all up to the persons experience they had.

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