“View of the World from 9th Avenue” by Saul Steinberg

During the great age of exploration and sailing the map of the world changed every few years or so with return of ships from lands unknown. However it was nearly impossible to get any of them to line up correctly. Each nation had its own measuring systems and methods for map making. Also every cartographer was different in terms of skill, quality and knowledge. Also the earliest of these men had to be brave and/or stupid to sail toward the edge of the world. These notion was also not helped by the fact that most maps had mythical sea creatures draw on the edges where there was open water.


So it goes without saying that the map of the view from 9th avenue would also be something that you should not wholeheartedly follow, especially on sailing ship by thinking that the river would get you to the Pacific. From the image we get the sense that Manhattan is filled with people, cars and is as large or large then the rest of the USA. Jersey appears to be a line in the sand separating the rest of the world from us along with the Hudson River. Canada and Mexico look exactly the same, blank and no features whatsoever. the Pacific Ocean looks only slightly larger than the Hudson River and across it we see Russia, China and Japan. Small world indeed.


So other than what is seen in Manhattan everything is out of scale and out of view. Even if you could get into outer space you still would not be able to see Russia, China and Japan positioned above 9th Avenue for the same reason that you will not fall off the edge of the Earth, gravity. gravity is the reason why the Earth is round and therefore does not have an edge anywhere. Excuding cliffs, canyons, and other land formations where there is an actual edge that you can fall off.

 The New Yorker is an American magazine of reportage, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, satire, cartoons, and poetry. It reviews and events listings often focus on the cultural life of New York City.  It is well known for its illustrated and often topical covers

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