Library Session on 10-2

On October 2,2013 my class and I went to the Ursula Schwerin Library with our English and Effective speaking professors. We were guided by a librarian that showed us around the library and the different sections in the library. Then we went up to the a room with computers where we used the computers to complete our assignments that were given to us by our professors. First Professor Davis gave us two sources and we had to find out if they were credible or not. They gave us time to work in our groups to figure out which one was more credible. I think that activity helped us a lot to read a source and to know what to look for so we can know if it is credible or not. After that we were given a topic which was the Brooklyn movie theater fire that happened in 1876. We had to use the library data page to look for books that were on that topic but that didn’t go so well because we couldn’t find any books on the fire. But I still think that the data page is very useful to find information if you had to write a paper. We then went on the internet to find credible sources that we can use if we had to write a paper on the fire. Last we used the library data base to look for articles on the fire and that was very useful because a lot of information came up. The library visit helped me a lot because I  now know I can use the database and it will hep me find credible sources,

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