Today was the best day in college so far. Instead of my speech class and english class, My professors took us on a walking trip to Brooklyn Historical Society. We walked there and in the way we made 2 stops. The first stop was at the Columbus park a block up from city tech. The park is pretty big and includes the borough hall and many famous statues of the people that have made any impact. One of the statue we looked at was of Henry Ward Beecher. He is known for fighting for the freedom for the slaves and the one slave that stands out is Pinky. Beecher brought her freedom when she was being sold by her owner. The next stop we made was at the Plymouth Church. The church is where Lincoln came before he was selected as a president. Than we walked around the Brooklyn bridge. It was great to see all the construction going on, the Brooklyn bridge, the city and the Statue Of Liberty. Than we went to BHS. It has got 6 heads sculpture of famous from the history such as Shakespeare Beethoven and Christopher Columbus. inside also included the head of Pinky. That was added their 2 yrs ago by a local painter. Inside was really nice and the structure was really nice as well. We went to their library and saw a lot of interesting things and many old books were there too. Than we saw their new made classroom for college students. We talked about the policies and rules of the BHS.
Good work, I like the enthusiasm and the description in this post.