Summary of Brooklyn historical society

My walk towards the Brooklyn Historical Society was a good experience, I enjoyed the walk and learned about several places and people. I had the opportunity to go inside the Brooklyn Historical Society and the inside looks nothing like the outside, the inside is a totally different place. While we were there we learned about several people. One thing that got my attention and left me thinking was a sculpture that they had of a girl named pinky. At first I thought it was a simple sculpture , but then they pointed out we had to also observe the details and we noticed there were poison leaves surrounding her. That small but important detail was interesting, she looked like an innocent slave, and then I learned that – that kind of leave was surrounding her made me think of her as a girl that no one wanted to mess with. Later they explained it was a symbol of the topic of women rights and that no one wanted to touch upon that topic.  Another thing that was great to learn was the obsession in taking care of the historic books they have in there. They have several rules, and many might think their not that important but in all honestly those rules are a crucial part in keeping those books in a good condition. The place has so much wooden detail and sculpture wise as well. Over all the place was a great experience and left me wondering what other things there are to learn about.

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