
The coursework has prepared me to work with many populations in the human service and social work fields.Five classes that I feel strongly prepared me for Human Services are Research Methods, Resource Development, Case Management, Group work practice and volunteering.Assignments, research, group work and class discussion has taught me many skills and overall professionalism.The population that tugs at my heartstrings is at risk youth, LGBT youth in particular. A frequent theme identified in experimental studies and clinical reports of lesbian, gay male, bisexual and transgender youths is the persistent pressure that is created by the verbal and physical abuse they garner from peers and adults. This is a population that I feel is vulnerable and often overlooked is the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community also know as LGBT. Inadequate HIV prevention education for the LGBT youths is a huge concern of mine. I learned that the bullying of LGBT youth leads to life long trauma and sometimes even depression. I also researched that many of the homeless youth are a part of the LGBT community. This led me to further my research and I came across statistics that were alarming to me. Young people are not always reached by effective HIV interventions or prevention education, especially young gay and bisexual men, because some sex education programs exclude information about sexual orientation. During my internship at Fort Greene SNAP there was a lot of community outreach. I took this time to visit local shelters such as the Auburn Shelter in Fort Greene, which supported many LGBT youths. In my interactions with the women of this shelter, I learned some of the most important lessons in which I would not have learned in a classroom. I learned boundaries, which I often struggle with. I learned its okay to connect with these youths, but not to take these issues home with me. I got emotional while listening to many of their stories and I found it hard to disconnect when leaving. The advice my supervisor at the time gave me was priceless and I am always very conscious of boundaries because I’m so emotional and compassionate.
Another useful skill I have acquired through practice and experience is patience with clients. I learned this through my time interning at Brooklyn Community Services with the adult mental health population, which can be very challenging at times. Another skill that I am continuously learning is how to work as a team with fellow staff members in order to efficiently delivers services to consumers. This is ongoing because each group of staff members you work with varies and you are constantly adapting.
The two places that really sum up community outreach are Trinity Place Shelter and Brooklyn Community Services. BCS services for the Brooklyn community to access an excellent education, job opportunities, safe and affordable housing, and quality and affordable health care and wellness programs. Trinity place’s mission is one that I admire and one day hope to help fulfill which is to help homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer youth and young adults in New York City to safely transition out of the shelter system and grow into independent, positive, and productive adults.
In my continued education in Human service I continue to learn and grow as a person and as a professional. Through the community outreach I can effectively change the future of these youths, one child at a time.HUS COURSE DESCRIPTION GRID