On Thursday, February 20, 2014. Going to an art gallery located:
Gallery at BRIC House
647 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
was an interesting field trip; looking at all the types of art. Some was amazing and caught my interest, some didn’t. There was this one exhibit that caught much of the class’s eyes; a miniature bodega with a small Mexican food cart. There was this one video “ah man” comes to mind when I say this video was quite extreme in its art. Within this music video was some sorts of art from the 70’s with big afros and the way they was dressed. Prior to the videos followed a clip where was a women doing as if she was possessed whipping her hair back and forth, where other classmates and I couldn’t help but to laugh under our breaths due to immaturity. It was sort of a horrid watch, then watching her whip her hair back and forth while naked.. Overall but the video, I thought the gallery had really extravagant art.