1. | Little Background

A south american native raised in New York City. Similarly, the state I reside in now has had a huge influence on my interests and likes. Ever since I stepped foot into New York land, I simply fell in love with its vibe and surroundings. From the train noise to the snowflakes during winter, everything fascinated me. As time went on, I involved myself with the outdoors more and more. This lead to me taking many distinct design courses which opened up my mind into becoming a part of this field. I personally prefer being hands on rather than using digital devices to create my work. There is this natural sense that you create with your hands naturally that no technology could replace.

Involving myself in the Communication Design field started when I was a young sophomore in high school where I had the opportunity to express myself and get some insight from my art teachers. Mrs. Boone, my first art teacher, taught me how to maintain discipline, as well as to be confident and believe in whatever I create so my artwork would naturally reflect its power.
