My First Internship!

The search for a graphic design internship was truly a grind. From Glassdoor to, to Indeed, even linked in, it wasn’t easy. After applying to what seemed like 5 new jobs a day, I finally find an ideal graphic design internship from Indeed. is the website I am officially interning with. It’s unpaid and mostly remote. It is also a startup run by college students. To be offered the position as their graphic designer, the founder asked if I had any suggestions for the site and if I could change a few things what would it be. I didn’t hold back and told him all the things that needed to be changed with honesty. As well as creating a flyer for them using their “About” information. The founder loved it and offered me the position. I was ecstatic and gladly accepted it. Going forward, I will be creating anything they want me to make in terms of graphic design. I’ve already designed a pamphlet and will continue to work on whatever is ahead.


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