
I admire the picture’s design, especially the use of colors. The blue and background color makes the image look soft and elegant. The image caught my eye when I saw the flower petals, and the words on the left, “When Flowers Bloom And Fall.” My first thought was that it resembles the season change, as fall arrives. But I also noticed a recycle symbol on the top left corner, so it could be an image to convey the importance of taking care of nature.
I found the image very attractive. The pages of the book being drawn like a waterfall and the letters falling look very creative. The person on the boat caught my eye first, and it enhanced the resemblance of the pages turning into a waterfall. Looking at the picture also made me think books are beautiful and significant.
The cover design stands out to me. I like how some parts of the letters’ colors fade, making them blend in and match the background. The picture’s setting seems to take place in Rome during the past century. I also like how the image is in black & white. The overall design looks very fashionable and elegant.