Tag Archives: interesting

A Review of Philip-Lorca diCorcia Exibition at the MoMa (Part 4)

Roy; ,In his twenties; Los Angeles, California; $ 50, From the Series Hustlers 1990-92

Roy; ,In his twenties; Los Angeles, California; $ 50, From the Series Hustlers 1990-92 . The fact that DiCorcia has labeled each portrait with the man’s name and age, the city they came from and the amount of money he was paid for the picture (from $20 to $50). The info speaks volumes, “ wow $50 for a male prostitute,“ was my first thought about this image. This image of the male prostitute who is fairly young is laying on a motel bed laying on his back with his head slightly off the bed while engaging the camera . Similar to the photo Tennille which portray the subject in a strong positive light. This image portrays the young man Not to provoke pity Or begs for sympathy but in a more playful scene . He portrays his subjects in a positive and attractive qualities.

The different Parts of this series can be found by clicking on the links : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4

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Filed under Museum, Photography, street art

A Review of Philip-Lorca diCorcia Exibition at the MoMa (Part 3)

Tennile 2004 , chromogenic color print , acquired through the generosity of Dr. Michael L. Jacobs, 2006

Ambiguous, and filled with suggestion Mr. diCorcia’s photo Tennille suggest a more explicit narrative , Tennile 2004 , chromogenic color print , acquired through the generosity of Dr. Michael L. Jacobs, 2006 . The photo depicts a stripper “ working the pole” is what I like to call it . The photograph captures the dancer in mid routine with her legs wrapped around the stripper pole while her body gracefully dangled. The dancer is bath with a bright light which showed how gracefully she danced on the stripper pole. The lighting of this photo gave such a dramatic image which showed the dancer in a powerful way, it showed her as a strong powerful woman who owns the stage and is in charge. This photo tells a narrative about the dancer, it made me create a short story in my head. The photo made me gave the dancer a back story as to who she is and why she’s a stripper. Which is exactly what the artist is trying to capture. He plays on the moral values of society. The artist usually paid his subjects the same price they charge for their services. However, there is no price in the description of this particular photo so it made me wondered how much he paid the stripper for this photo.

“Hustlers,” his best-known series, according to most art critics is the most well-represented, with 14 large and small shots of mostly young men strutting their stuff along Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood. Made from 1990 to 1992 and funded with a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, DiCorcia’s breakout series features men posing for their portraits in motel rooms , parking lots and laundromats, outside fast-food restaurants, gas stations and boarded-up buildings, and simply sitting at bus stops or on street corners, usually at dusk.

The different Parts of this series can be found by clicking on the links : Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4

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Filed under Photography, street art

How I started my clothing company Part 4 (Marketing and Promoting)

Promoting a clothing line cost a lot of money. However, the fact that I have very little to no money to spend on promotions did not stop me, I had to find ways around that. These costs can run into the thousands for just one year. Some of the things I did to get my brand out there was a Pop-Up shop events. 

So far my primary promotional outlets has been blogs and social media since it is free and it meets my target audience. I have used websites such as Tumblr , Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . The most popular site that gets heavy traffic and has a lot of following is my Instagram page which is can be found by search @DAZEDANDCONFUSED_APPAREL The Instagram page has 28k followers and is still growing . The Facebook page has more than 4k followers and counting, it can be found by searching DAZED AND CONFUSED APPAREL  The twitter account has about 50-60 followers so far and con be found @FOREVER_DAZED. The tumblr blog has over 250 followers  and can be found here WWW.HEARTBROKENASSHOLE.TUMBLR.COM. Collectively I have reached 34k people free of charge just by using blogs and social media.

I have yet to write a press release to send to the local newspapers and magazines . I mentioned before I use my skills that I have learn in college to help me with my business. My English Career Writing Class that I am currently enrolled in at Cuny NY City College of Technology has helped my writing skills tremendously, and I should be able to draft a press release.  I also plan on purchasing ads in newspaper , magazines on websites that has my target audience. I will also sponsor events that caters to my target audience. In addition,  I will try to get a celebrity endorsement, or get the most popular person I know to wear my clothing by giving it to them for free. Finally, I will create a LinkedIn Profile to showcase my work.

This series well elaborate on how I started my clothing company with very little resources and finances, you can be navigate to the different by clicking on the links: Part 1(Intro)Part 2 (Nailing Down The Basics) Part 3 (Making The Clothes), Part 4 (Marketing And Promoting).

summer tank tops13

Leather Tank Top summer13

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Filed under Fashion, Photography


Jason de Caires Taylor 1

Hey everyone this is a fellow guest blogger Nancy Acevedo!


The underwater sculpture museum is something that is completely new to me. It’s fascinating how not only are they extremely beautiful, the sculptures are made out of ceo-frinedly material. At first I was a bit worried about that, having people create stuff and have them underwater where so many species live. I was thinking on the negative effect that this kind of art could potentially have. But after I found out that it “promotes coral reef growth”, I didn’t think it was so bad after all. Jason deCaire Taylor has truly created a phenomenon in my opinion; just imagine years from now, how interesting and amazing it will be for people to discover this exhibit.



Here is another video that shows more of the underwater art and how they look before they are put into the sea.





If any of you guys are interested in more art, check my typography blog SHOLES.

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My Mission Statement

The purpose of my blog is to not only create a space but to also show case artwork from animators, photographers, illustrators and painters from all walks of life and culture. I will also be focusing primarily on the visual arts, though performance art will not be off limits. I would like to inspire, stimulate, entertain and also educate my readers. I simply love searching for new things.

I would like to connect or bridge the gap between the design studios and my readers. I enjoy being constantly well informed and I like to offer my point of view, always in a personal way. I will also be visiting art galleries and museums at least once a week and take photographs of the art works that captures my attentions. I hope to capture readers attentions and encourage dialogue and networking with my readers.. When possible I’ll be posting interviews and/or asking local artist to make a post of their own to add another perspective and broaden the discussion.

Finally, I would like this blog to be a place for open discussion. The name of my blog is “ 1 on 1 art blog” . I chose this name because it gives the reader a “ 1 on 1” tone when reading my blog as you would with a tutor, teacher or colleague. I will be posting various medium of art such as Illustration, paintings, drawings, animations, videos, sculptures etc. I will be including as much links as possible from various art blogs. My blog will have a somewhat formal writing style and a professional tone.

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