Author Archives: Taisha
Maps Research
Reseach (zoning, Circulation, Land Use…)
Notes for team 4 presentation
Jay street health club (Team 4)
Façade and Elevation/Materials
- Must try to solve problems with the fire rated stairwell
- Create a wall of water that may be able to prevent the building from burning
- Do a precedant study to show what’s been done before in order to fix the building’s issues
- The Façade should be rated: Have more open stairs
Mechanical Review
- Does have a mechanical review drawings
- Needs to fix how air flow will travel throughout the building
- Fix pool floor/add a mechanical room there
- The mechanical room needs to be 25% footprint/ but can do this by adding an extra floor to fit.
- Figure out how the building will retrieve fresh air
- Figure out where the shaft is in the building.
Structural Review
- Write a program for room space and occupancy for every floor.
Vocab Words 8/31/16
Wet Wall – A wet wall is a structural wall designed to house plumbing pipes for fixtures like sinks, dishwashers, and toilets.
Egress- An egress is a way out such as a path. basically an exit.
Sustainability – Sustainability means to be supported, upheld, or confirmed.