HW for June 9th



  1. Finish Site Strategy with the group.
  2. Develop a simple bubble diagram (individual) that shows how you may want to use the site.

PART 2: Gather at least 5-6 of these items or similar recycled items – DO NOT BUY ANYTHING!!! And have scissors, exato-blade, glue/tape.

Look through recycling, around your space – ask before you take from other as they may not get it back!

Boxes – shipping, cereal, food….

Plastic – from packaging, groceries, package wrapping



Cotton balls, tissue, q-tips,


Screws, bolts, nuts

Wire, String, thread, dental floss

Mesh – from fruit

Paper, tracing paper, wax paper, tissue paper, construction paper

Wood – leftover from models,

Pins – sewing,


Anything that is broken – ready to go out

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