Assignment 8 – Conceptual Models

The collages will be used to take pieces from to create small conceptual models using a variety of materials. Each concept model should have a 3”x3” base and be constructed from a wide variety of materials. Think of the material when creating these models and what it represents in your collages. If there is shade and shadow along a curve in one of your collages, perhaps this can be reflected in your three dimensional physical model in two different materials that interlock in an arc or curve that penetrates the 3”x3” base and rises above into one another. Please make sure that these models are 3-dimensional and not flat. They can penetrate through the base and should have a variety of material to represent the variety in your images that create your collages.


From you collages, you will create (3) models each on a 3”x3” base for each of these collages. There will be 3 models per collage for a total of 3 collages and 9 models due for the next class.