Assignment 7 Diagram Plans and Sections


Concept/Parti — should be apparent in all areas of your building…..

This assignment will start to transform your concept models with your program and site analysis….Create plans, and sections with a schematic design level of detail. Make sure your store name and your name is on your boards.

Your boards should include the following:

  • One diagrammatic plan for each level of your store
  • At least two diagrammatic sections through the most telling parts of your store


  • Draw your plans. (Your sections and elevations should be at this same scale)
  • Show your program areas and how they are defined, (through things such as geometry, furniture, casework, materials, etc)
  • Show where your entrance(s) are – and how movement happens throughout your space.
  • Think of where you have structure for your building, and if this affects your layout (you will likely have a structural column grid of 20′, 25′ ..
  •   Sections
  • Draw at least two sections–one should go east-west, and the other north-south
  • Show your floor to floor height
  • Think about your ceiling  – can your ceiling have the same design concepts as your parti?


Programmatic Diagrams

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