Assignment 2 – Site Visit

Day 2 site visit

Department of Architectural Technology

Bachelor of Technology in Architectural Technology


ARCH 3510                 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN V

Day 2

Site Analysis discussion.  Site Visit.

Site Documentation:           To develop drawings documenting existing conditions that serve as a basis for contextual analysis and architectural design work

Site Analysis:  To develop a clear understanding of contextual forces in society and within the built environment that inform architectural and urban design strategies.

Document your site by gathering photos and visiting the site and taking your own photos. Make sure you show a map and a site analysis as to why this is an ideal location for your clients.


Answer the following:

SITE: Location- The site should be related to major streets or landmarks previously existing. Aerial photographs help in this assessment stage. There should be documentation of distances and time from major places.

SITE: Generalities- Includes , figure ground,  neighborhood context, greenspace, places of interaction, accessibility, schools, places of worship, community centers, etc.

SITE: Commerce  Includes hotels, restaurants, lounges, cafes, bars etc.

SITE: Circulation/Pathways Includes Residential to Commercial, Residential to Residential, Subways to Residential & Commercial, Schools to Commercial, etc.

SITE: Urban Walls Includes façade patterning, materials, hierarchies, solid/void, rhythm, repetition, etc.

SITE: Climate and Natural Light Includes natural light intensity, natural light density, analysis over time/space, etc.

SITE: History includes neighborhood history



HOMEWORK:  Site Analysis is due next meeting.