Monthly Archives: April 2013
Rhino Presentation
Rhino Presentation
PowerPoint Presentations for Visual Studies II
Please submit your complete PowerPoint presentations by Monday April 29th 11:59 pm.
Please submit your part of the assignment in your extra credit drop box folder for Arch 1291 and one member of the group please submit the complete presentation only once in the extra credit folder.
Thank you.
Submit Elevations, Floor Plans and Sections
Dear Students,
Please submit all sections, floor plans and elevations in WEEK 9 Folder Arch 1201 class. Set up the sheet as a presentation using your templates. Quality line, hatching, labeling, should be included accordingly.
The dead line is Monday 29th 12:59pm
Thank you.
Illustrator Tutorial
Grades Have Been Updated
Dear Students,
Your grades including extra credit after the Spring break have been updated.