Grades for the Scavenger Hunt Warmup

Your grades are posted on blackboard. This listing will let you know how your work compares to your classmates. Many of you did not complete the requirements for uploading files either at all or on a timely basis.

While this did not affect your grades for this assignment it will in future have a negative affect on your grades. Please be certain to meet all requirements of all assignments.

Clarification of Posting

  • Assignment 1A – Case Study Identification
    • Put your three choices each on a separate 11 x 17 title block
    • Put them in a single PDF and upload them to blackboard.
    • Print these 11 x 17 for in class pinup discussion
  • Assignment 2A – Scavenger Hunt Warm-up Standard Views
    • Include 3 plan views – level 1, 2 & 3 (roof)
    • Include all 4 complete elevations
    • Include 2 sections
    • Print on 22 x 34 at 100% and create a single PDF – upload to blackboard
    • Print the PDF at 50% onto 11 x 17

Welcome to Building Technology III

Welcome to the first day:!  I look forward to working with each of you this semester.  If you have not already done so – become a member of this site.

When not in class, I will communicate with the class primarily using OpenLab and Blackboard.

  • OpenLab will be my primary means of communicating on a daily basis.
    • You will see me post each time you are given an assignment, as a reminder of deadlines.
    • You will also see me answer student questions here.  I often get asked questions after class, in my office or by email.  I have learned that if one student asks a question – then most of class needs to know the answer.  I will post the students question (anonymously) and post my answer.
    • Photos of class notes from the board are typically posted each day – I often rely on the students to post these for me.
  • Blackboard will be used for the submission of all your assignments.
    • Progress Assignments: Some of these assignments just track your progress – you get checked off if you submit and complete the assignment by the due date – there is no letter or number grade for these – just a complete or incomplete.  They cannot be submitted late.
    • Pinup assignments:  These assignments cannot be late – as everyone must pinup and participate in class discussion.  The assignments must be uploaded the night before by midnight to blackboard. You must also print before class begins – (NO PRINTING DURING CLASS) – so  arrive early.  Similar to progress assignments these cannot be submitted late and these are typically graded as complete or incomplete.
    • Graded assignments: will be submitted on blackboard and often also include in class pinup and discussion.  For an assignment to be complete and on time it must be uploaded by midnight the day before the class meeting. Often these assignments are pinned up and we will as a group discuss and grade the assignments.
    • Presentation Assignments: These include case study or other assignments that may have been done as an individual or as part of a group.  They typically take several weeks to prepare are more detail oriented and are submitted as a PowerPoint or PDF.  Like all assignments these must be submitted the night before presentation on Blackboard
    • Late Assignments:  Depending upon the assignment they will either be downgraded or not accepted. For example – pinups cannot be late as there is no way to repeat the pinup discussion.