lighting presentation

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Posted in Elli Zigenis, Prof. King, Team_07, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Lab Building Layouts_Pablo Zuluaga_Team 07

Posted in Assignments, Pablo Zuluaga Morelo, Team_07 | Leave a comment



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Posted in Nwarambilli Ugbode | Leave a comment

Lab Building Floor Plan 1-4

Posted in Team_03, Victor Green | Leave a comment

Current Assignments

Due tonight by 10 pm – posted on Blackboard
Three Floor plan layouts for the Lab Building. Print to a single PDF and Post.

Due during the break – finalize your structural grid. Review the sizing chart and determine your beam sizes for your plan IN ADVANCE OF THE NEXT CLASS – If you want to get a head start begin to work on your structural plans.

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Structural Framing Sizes

Please us the following information to correctly size your members for your structural plans.
Structural Sizing Chart

Posted in Faculty, Prof. King | Leave a comment

Academic Bldg. Layout

Academic Bldg. Layout

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Lab Bldng. Layout-Library+2ndFlr.



Posted in Alondra Ramos, Prof. King, Team_05 | Leave a comment