Street Art and Hip Hop – Forever Connected

Graffiti/street art is one of the original pillars of hip hop culture which dates back to the 70s. Street art and hip hop is driven by a DIY attitude along with intesive levels of creativity. What separates a “good” artist from a legendary or revolutionary one is often a matter of how far are they willing to push boundaries and perceived norms. While a large percentage of this generation has forgotten the roots of both hip hop and art, there are also many that thirst for knowledge and respect the culture.

Whether it was art or the hip hop, the 90s ushered in a new generation of creative geniuses. From college graduates to college dropouts to former pimps and drug dealers, many realized that these areas of interest could become a source of serious income. This in conjunction with the rebellious nature of the 90s lead to new musical and artistic genres being established. Regional sounds began to rise and were the representation of cultures being developed over several decades.

This was only a guest post so if you are interested in more 90s Hip Hop please check out my blog for more indepth culture and analysis.



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