Paper Resources

For my Graphic Design Communication course, the paper resource I chose to explore is coated papers. Coated papers consist of a base paper (usually free sheet or ground wood paper) with a smooth clay finish applied to the paper. Coated papers are used to reproduce photographs and four-color graphics. The coating on the paper can vary; some have shiny, glossy finishes and others have matte or dull finishes, depending on what the paper is being used for. Coated papers are categorized by their brightness and glossiness. Some of the common categories are Premium Coated, Coated #1, Coated #2, Coated #3, Coated #4, and Coated #5. Premium Coated has the highest quality of brightness and gloss, while Coated #5 is the dullest and matted of the categories. Premium Coated paper would be best used for a magazine cover or prestigious advertising and marketing of high-end products. Coated #5 would be used for the pages inside a newspaper or high volume catalogs.

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