
I have been truly enjoying my studying experience at New York City College of Technology not only because the BS in Nursing program offers advance education, which any professional should appreciate, but also because this is my first academic experience in the United States. I completed my associate degree in nursing in my home country, where our profession is perceived differently and where school curriculum is unique by itself.

Despite successfully passing the NCLEX examination, and before entering the baccalaureate program, I was uncertain if my nursing education and background were comparable to the US standards. The program has certainly met my expectations.

Evaluating my learning process, I can objectively say that I have acquired the following skills over the course of two years: a) conduct research and analyze material on a more professional level; b) writing skills to be able to accurately and precisely describe events; c) how to be a leader and independent. Having learned these new skills, I am certain that I have grown professionally.

Before entering the program, I believed that knowledge of medicine is the only attribute that makes a nurse competent. The focus of nursing education in my home country is on applied science subjects. However, I have amended my viewpoint since I enrolled in a baccalaureate program. Learning philosophy of nursing, for instance, has broadened my understanding of nursing as a profession. It also clarified and defined the scope of nurse’s responsibilities in the workforce, ethically and professionally.

The program further defined for me the image of a nurse as a member of a large and powerful professional association in the United States. It was pleasing to learn that through such professional associations the nurse’s propositions are considered as an important element in the decision making process in health care industry.

Overall, through the process of taking courses in this program I have grown to appreciate my profession and obtain a deeper understanding of nurse’s role in the field of health care.