First event #5

Photo by Olga Fedina from Pexels

The first event I attended was quite interesting as it was to promote all the clubs that the organization offered to the students who were on campus. There were a lot of clubs that were there for recruitment purposes and some were there to make the atmosphere more welcoming to the freshmen students who were looking to join a club. During the event, there were snacks and drinks given to anyone who showed up and signed up for the organization’s social media platforms. I was given the task of going around photographing the student’s interaction with the club members and their progress in obtaining more information.

It was interesting to see so many students come together and discover a club they didn’t even know was within the organization. I even go to interact with everyone there at first people came up to me and asked me if I was taking photos and if I could photograph them. I felt special in a sense since I normally don’t get people to come up to me and request for me to photograph them so this was a new experience. Overall, the event went smoothly towards the end there was a group of students who started to all come together and play music, it was just a great time.

Agustin Melo Galvez, College/Educational, Dept. of Communication Design, NYCCT/CUNY, COMD 4900 – Internship in Communication Design

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