Ethics in Graphic Design: 2A and 2B

Photo by Pixabay


In the past, I have used other creative work and never really thought too much about giving the creator of the content their due credit. But I didn’t use the artwork for promotional or commercial purposes so I believed it would be okay. But reading up on the AIGA copyright it gave me a clear understanding that you should always give credit where it is due. This got me thinking maybe not now but in the future I might have work or photographs that were being used by people without giving me credit. This is why now I will give any artist’s work I use the due credit that they deserve, because the same way not receiving my due credit made me feel is probably how they are feeling and it’s not a great sensation. So please credit anyone’s work that you end up using whether is be for your portfolio, presentations, and creative work.


The Fairey Copyright Case is a great example to why knowing the copyright laws. So what exactly was the Fairey Copyright Case, this was a street artist who took a photo reference of obama from an AP photograph and used it to create a promotional poster to help in the campaign of previous president barack Obama. AP noticed that the poster was becoming popular and they were seeking compensation and damage money from this street artist’s sales of posters since he didn’t license to use the image. I honestly feel like if it was a reference image and he took the time to create a new art piece from the reference the least that could’ve been done was give credit to AP and the photographer of the image. But at the same time I feel like this is why a lot of artist are afraid to take a reference image from the internet and create new ideas off the reference because of all these copyright laws.


Agustin Melo Galvez, College/Educational, Dept. of Communication Design, NYCCT/CUNY, COMD 4900 – Internship in Communication Design

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