My responsibilitie/Role #3

Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

While working at the organization, I was tasked with photographing events being held during my scheduled time. I was to go most times with my supervisor or an internship colleague to the different departments which were holding student interactions events or were holding progress projects that were being conducted for that department. After going to those departments and getting to photograph the event or progress project, I was to then meet up with my supervisor and go over what will be coming up for the following week so that I am to come prepared with my equipment. In addition to this, I was to select the best photographs taken that day, edit the images thoroughly by doing color corrections and removing unwanted items within the images then compose them into a folder and upload that to Dropbox.

That would be a typical day for me but when I didn’t have any task to do I would be assisting with projects that my supervisor had to oversee. I would help out with equipment setup and adjustments that needed to before everyone else who was participating in the project were to arrive. This gave me a chance watch see what my supervisor was doing and learn from how he communicated with others and handled the situation to go according to what he wanted to have a successful photo session.

Agustin Melo Galvez, College/Educational, Dept. of Communication Design, NYCCT/CUNY, COMD 4900 – Internship in Communication Design

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