Author: Alexander McEachern
3rd Advisor Culmination Meeting Form
Final Presentation
Journal Entry (Media Release Forms + Contact Lists)
I have the signed media release forms from the cast, with the exception of a few cast members, due to the lack of their replies to my email regarding the media release forms. I sent these forms out several weeks ago. I also have the contact lists for the crew and cast of the MMHC episode 2B production; however, for safety and for privacy, I am not going to make them public on Openlab.
MMHC Ep. 2B Fine Cut
*Viewer discretion advised. Video contains profanity and blood.
Culmination Poster (Final Version)
Culmination Reflection
MMHC Ep. 2B Medium Cut
*Viewer discretion advised. Video contains profanity and blood.
Culmination Presentation v3
Journal Entry
I met with my culmination advisor, Professor Ryoya earlier today and went over my culmination presentation with him. Professor Ryoya stated that I needed more technical elements in my presentation, as it was rather passionate and artistic; mainly addressing the aesthetic aspects of my culmination project. I have made the advised corrections and will be uploading the third version soon.