Academic Sample

The population that I decided to research is the population of women who have contracted or who are living with HIV/AIDS in my country of Trinidad and Tobago. The reason I decided to write about this population is because HIV/AIDS is still seen as a stigma in some third world countries and islands in the Caribbean.  Some are ostracized, ridiculed and abandoned by their family and friends after they inform them that they have contracted the virus.The social economic stressors that do affect this population in Trinidad and Tobago is that like America there are people who are very wealthy and undoubtedly they receive the best medical care, are gainfully employed or entrepreneurs so overall their lifestyle is less stressful. On the other hand there is also people living in poverty and these are the ones who are affected the worse because of their financial situation they may not be able to afford the private institutions to receive quality care, are less educated or uneducated and unemployed. The citizens who are uneducated may not be practicing safe sex because some people think that they are infallible and will not contract the disease don’t matter their lifestyle. Some women have knowledge of their spouses infidelity but are afraid to demand that they practice safe sex because of fear of abandonment or being physically abused by their spouse.The psychosocial stressors that affect this population is that because Trinidad is an island and most of the communities are close-knit if one person in a community has HIV/AIDS chances are most people within that community is aware of this and because of this that individual may feel embarrassed ,ashamed ,alone or experience depression which could lead to them committing suicide.

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